Wednesday, 7 December 2011

December 2011 - Zimbabwe Whange National Park

With two more people, Sabrina and Ron and all their backpacking things Cruisi is truly as full as it gets. We set off to Whange National Park to see some more animals.
Whange National Park has the biggest population of elephants anywhere to be found and despite it being the size of Belgium and the biggest park in Zimbabwe we were sure to see plenty of animals.
The first nights we stayed in an amazing campsite on top of a cliff with the view of a huge plain below. Herds of up to 700 buffaloes and elephants or supposed to be passing from there but during the 3 days we stayed there we did not see either. Because of the unique setting of the place we did not get disappointed and entertained ourselves by cooking delicious meals, Sabrina providing freshly baked bread from over the fire (we like Germans and their bread!) and Ron treating us with Dutch-Reibekuchen.
In-between we went for game drives but the park seemed fully deserted and we started doubting whether we were at the right place or if we maybe do not have the patience of true game hunters. After two days of only seeing birds and antelope we followed Ron’s passion for fishing and spend quite a few hours at a dam, fishing! The dam had a few crocs and hippos and plenty of fish inside, it might have been our beginner’s luck but we actually caught quite a few fish (some bigger and some smaller ones...) and enjoyed two dinners of fresh fish over the fire.
After driving for about 200km in the park we moved to a different campsite and all the animals seemed to live there. Everything was gathered out of some strange reason within 10 km from the new campsite...
We move further now on the perfect Zimbabwean roads to the first Zimbabwean city, Bulawayo.

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